Simón Bolívar is one of the great figures of the 19th century. He has gone down in history as the Liberator of a large part of South America from Spanish rule.
The Bolívar brand was created in 1902. Today it is based at the Partagás factory in downtown Havana.
這魚雷尺寸雪茄還沒點燃就己散發出濃郁芳香。由無可挑剔的精巧手工卷製,令雪茄燃燒均勻。雪茄隨著燃燒時間的增長會令香氣變得更加光滑,令口腔會充滿著濃烈及持久的醇香。當中帶有木材、可可和烤煙草的香氣,這正是古巴煙草種植的主要區域-布埃爾塔阿瓦霍(Vuelta Abajo)地區的標誌。Belicoso Finos這結合了優質的古巴煙草與偉大的雪茄製作手藝的精緻工藝品。對於雪茄愛好者而言,無疑是一種雅緻的雪茄。..
HKD $340
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